Friday, April 7, 2017

Oceans of Fun: A Kindergarten Music Program

Tonight, my 200 kindergarteners performed a music program I titled, "Oceans of Fun."  It was filled with songs, singing games, instruments, and movement.  This was the first kindergarten program in my new position, and I do have to say, it was a hit!  From the props to the costumes, everything came together for a night that brought tears to my eyes.  Here are all the details. 

The Stage

As you can see from the above picture, my colleagues and I went all out in creating this amazing backdrop.  We wanted to create an underwater picture, and I think we did just that.  To begin our decorating, I purchased dark blue and light blue plastic table cloths from the Dollar Store.  We simply bunched them up and created a wave texture to give the effect of water and waves.  

I then cut out 100 neon rainbow fish using my Silhouette Cameo machine.  I taped them to the plastic cloth to create a rainbow school of fish.  

To create bubbles, we used clear latex balloons and attached them to fishing line.  No need to blow them up with helium because they are hanging down.  This was a money saver for sure!  I also created really long strands of bubbles for the front of the stage.  

Next came the coral! I have to give all the credit for the amazing coral to the very artistic and talent PE teacher in our school. She hand-painted a large orange and pink coral onto poster boards that were taped together.  We attached dowel rods to the back and stuck them in a weighted box.  Then with the help of Pinterest, we created an abundance of coral with Dollar Store pool noodles.  

Each noodle was cut in a spiral and then pulled apart.  We stuck them in a box to make them stand up.  Another version of coral consisted of slicing the end of the noodle and placing spiraled pipe cleaners inside of them. 

To bring the coral reef all together, we crumpled bulletin board paper and taped it on the boxes and at the bottom of the main background.  We also added mesh sponges, or loofas, around the coral to give texture and color.  

Lastly, on the very front of the stage we also added more rock, fish, and coral.  Using Dollar Tree crepe paper, we twisted the paper to give a textured effect. 

The Music

Since I am in a primary school, I have 8 different classes of kindergarten students.  Therefore, during a program, each class gets on the stage for one song to be featured.  All the other remaining students stand on our Flipform risers that are angled out from the stage.  All students perform the motions and sing the songs while the one class is on the stage.  Sometimes the featured class will have something a little different than the other students in regards to movements.  

Throughout the program, I came up with a script to tie all the songs together.  Typically three to four students will speak between each song as one class is leaving from one side of the stage and the next class is entering the stage from the other side.  These parts were also spoken during transitions to reduce the audience's urge to talk.  In my past teaching position, the transitions were always the worst because the audience wanted to talk.  I hate to start a song unless it is silent, and the talking drove me nuts.  In my new position, the audience is definitely more respectful and understand audience etiquette as we live in a music/arts driven community.  The small amounts of speaking from the students drastically decreases the amount of talking during the program and allowed the program to flow smoothly.    

Here are the 8 songs I used for my ocean-themed program: 

1. Oceans of Fun by Jill and Michael Gallina 
2. Commotion in the Ocean by John Jacobson
3. Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals
4. Charlie Over the Ocean, traditional folk song
5. Going Over the Sea, Canadian folk song
6. A Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea, traditional folk song
7. Roundup Under the Sea, by John Jacobson
8. Shark Cage by M.C. Handel and Paul Jennings

The Costumes

1. Oceans of Fun: During this song, my students wore solid color yellow shirts and a variety of ocean creature masks.  I simply purchased a downloadable file off of Etsy for the masks.  I printed, laminated, hole-punched, and added elastic to each mask.  

2. Commotion in the Ocean:  This song was definitely my most challenging piece due to the accelerando at the end.  I was very nervous we would fall apart with the large amount of students I have singing at one time.  BUT, they did it PERFECT for our performance.  It probably is intended for upper elementary but I knew my kinders could handle it.  This song is about clownfish.  I used the same file from above to print a class set of clown fish masks.  They also wore solid orange shirts to match the theme.

3.  Aquarium:  During this performance, my students created a movement routine to show the highs and lows in the music using scarves.  They wore blue shirts and jellyfish hats made out of shower caps and curling ribbon.  They were absolutely adorable and the movement was breathtaking. I found the idea for the jellyfish hats on Pinterest.  Below is the image and link.    

4. Charlie Over the Ocean: For this performance, the students played the singing game while singing the song.  The game is similar to duck, duck, goose.  A handful of students also played a chord bordun accompaniment on the xylophones.  A student also played maracas while the students were chasing during the game.  The students wore blue shirts and large fish hats.  Here was my inspiration for the hats.  I cut out the fish from large bulletin board paper and stapled two together.  The kindergarten teacher was amazing and took time during her day to let her class paint their fish hats, too!  They turned out beautiful!  I then hole punched them and added an elastic strap to keep them on.  

5. Going Over the Sea: When searching for this traditional Canadian folk song, there are a variety of lyrics.  I wanted to incorporate pirates into my program so I combined some of the versions to create this refrain: 

When I was one, I swallowed a bun, 
Going over the sea. 
I jumped aboard a pirate ship, 
And the captain said to me. 

We go this way, we go that way. 
We go forward, we go backward, 
With a 1, 2, 3.  

Each time the first line changes with the next number.  I had 10 soloists for this song.  Each soloist sang one of the numbers.  

Here are the lines I used for the rest of the song: 

When I was two, I tied my shoe...
When I was three, I skinned my knee...
When I was four, I mopped the floor...
When I was five, I learned to dive...
When I was six, I picked up sticks...
When I was seven, I met a friend, Kevin...
When I was eight, I learned to skate...
When I was nine, I climbed a vine...
When I was ten, I started again...

For costumes, my students wore red shirts, a pirate eye patch, and a pirate hat. 

6. A Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea:  During this song, the class that was on stage performed the traditional hand clapping game.  They also wore sailor hats and a sailor collar.  Luckily, the previous music teacher already had a class set in our costume closet so we didn't have to make or purchase costumes for this class.  They also wore white shirts. 

7.  Roundup Under the Sea:  This song, even though ocean-themed, has a western flare.  My students wore plaid/flannel shirts with blue jeans and a cowboy hat.  We performed a simple square dance during the dance section in the music. 

8. Shark Cage:  This piece of music is originally written for recorders; however, I decided to use Boomwhackers for my kindergarten students.  It only uses four pitches, so I had 4 students on each pitch.  The remaining students created a shark routine dance.  The students wore gray shirts and shark fins on their heads.  To make the shark fins, we used bulletin border and gray card stock. This one was definitely a crowd pleaser!  

We wrapped up our evening by singing "Oceans of Fun" again.  The students did a fantastic job and the audience seemed to really enjoy their performance.  Overall the program lasted 25 minutes.  200 kindergarteners performing was a daunting task, but with the hard work, preparation, and help from colleagues, this kindergarten program was a HUGE success! I couldn't be more proud of them. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Music Classroom Organization {BTS Blog Hop}

Happy Back to School!  I hope the beginning of your school year has been fantastic.  Today I am partnering up with a great group of music bloggers for a Back-to-School Music Blog Hop!

This blog hop includes six blog posts about Back-to-School in the music room, from lessons, to organization, to games, and more! To continue on the blog hop, keep clicking the pictures at the end of each post to hop to the next blog!

I just started my 5th year of teaching, and I am so excited to be in a new school.  Previously, I taught at four different elementary schools.  This year, I am at ONE, yes, ONE!  I am still in disbelief that I get to drive to the same school every day.  I was so eager to jump into my new classroom this summer to organize and decorate my one classroom. After spending many hours in my classroom, it is ready!  It is is is ready for music-making!  

Organizing....I LOVE to organize.  From my classroom instruments, to school supplies, to planning, I feel it is important to be organized.  Items need to be easy and convenient to find in order to save time and be efficient.   

Here are my tips for being organized in the music room: 


In my classroom, I have EVERYTHING labeled! Every cabinet, every instrument, every supply.  Every item has a label.  This not only makes it convenient for myself, but everything is clearly labeled so my students know that each item has their own special place in our classroom.  Here are some pictures of the many labels in my classroom.

My new classroom features wall-to-wall cabinets.  This is perfect for staying organized.  On each cabinet, I have a label on the door.  This not only helps me to remember where every item is located in my classroom, but if I ever have a guest teacher in my room, they are able to find the items as well.  And they also add some cuteness! :) 

Inside the cabinets, I also have my instruments labeled.  

Wooden instruments feature a red label, while metal instruments have a blue label.  Most labels also include a picture of the instruments for those students that can't quite read.  Looking for your own set of classroom instrument labels? Check out my set of classroom labels.  

This set is color-coded for the type of instrument.  Each label also includes a picture. 

Besides my small classroom instruments being labeled, I also have my xylophones labeled.  Each xylophone features soprano, alto, or bass on the instrument. 

I have a free set in my store! Click the picture to check them out!

One of my favorite features in my room are my crate seats.  These crate seats are used for storing items. They can also be quickly grabbed and used as a seat.  I label each crate and store items that I often use in my classroom.  These crates feature movement props, puppets, scarves, and masks. And of course, each crate is labeled!

 When it comes to my desk, I used a teacher toolbox to organize all of my desk supplies.  Here is a picture of my toolbox. 

Everything from Band-aids to pencils are stored in my toolbox.  Like these labels?  I have two options available in my store! It is so much easier to just look at the toolbox to find what I need, instead of digging through a desk.  

Behind my desk, I have a Copy/Grade/File three-drawer filing system.  There are many free options available on Teachers Pay Teachers.  

Instead of piling items on my desk, I stick them in one of these drawers.  I wish I could find a set of four drawers so I could add a label for "return."  For now, papers that need returned to students are stored in the "file" drawer. 

To keep my art supplies organized, I purchased shower caddies in the dollar spot at Target.  In each caddy, I have glue sticks, crayons, and scissors.  I even color-matched the scissors to the caddy.  I keep the caddies stored on my counter so they are easily accessible to students. 

By having different colors in the art caddies, I can also categorize groups by color for classroom management! For example, I may have my blue friends, or those students at the blue caddy, share an answer or perform for the class. 

#2:  Command Hooks are your best friend! 

I love to use Command Hooks in my classroom for organization. My favorite way to use Command Hooks is for storing bulletin borders.  Most people, and I was one of them, roll up the borders and stick them in a drawer.  When it comes time to use them, they do not want to lay flat.  Instead of rolling borders up in a drawer, use Command Hooks in a cabinet or closet.  

Attach hooks to cabinet or wall.  Keep borders in the plastic wrap.  Use a binder clip to clip border packaging and hand on hook. Nice and organized! 

I also use Command Hooks on my bulletin board to store dry erase markers.  I bought cheap buckets in the Target Dollar Spot.  I store the markers in the bucket and then hang on the hook.  I also used Command Hooks on my Piano Rewards bulletin board.  Similar to my marker storage, I placed the hooks on the board.  I then hooked buckets onto the hooks.  Inside the buckets, I store clothespins that have class names on them for my incentive board. You can see the buckets and Command Hooks on my bulletin board below! 

#3: Organize your planning

When it comes to having a successful year, it is important to organize your planning.  There are many resources available to help plan and organize your curriculum.  One resource that I recently purchased is Lindsay Jervis' "Ready, Set, Plan: Yearly Planning for the Elementary Music Classroom."  

In this resource, Lindsay provides everything you need to plan for a year in your classroom. This set features a yearly plan template.  My favorite part of this source is that she includes song list for each grade.  The song lists are created in an order that is developmentally appropriate for students.  Once you have a song list, the planning is much easier.  These song lists have helped organize my lesson planning to fit in a sequential order for each grade level throughout the year. 

When it comes to lesson planning, I have been using David Row's FREE lesson plan templates.  

These templates make it very easy to organize your lesson.  Each template allows you to check off the standards and focus area.  It also includes a section for materials needed, objectives, review, and assessments. My favorite part of this template is that David's includes a section for transitions.  Many times, teachers don't plan for transitions.  With this template, I am able to organize my thoughts and plans for each music lesson, including the transitions. Also, by listing the materials needed, I can quickly grab what I need prior to my students' arrival in order to be more organized in my lesson. 

#4: Use a planner

Use a planner, use a planner, use a planner! With a planner, I can plan and organize my year.  I can make reminders, lists, put in grades, and mark events.  This year, I am using an Erin Condren Teacher Planner.  I won this planner at the French Lick Blogger Meet-up.  Even though I LOVE Erin Condren's life planners, the teacher planner is pretty awesome as well.  However, it is not very suited for special area teachers.  The teacher planner features items such as classroom birthdays, grades, student information, etc.  With a class of 30 students, this is ideal.  However, when you teach over 600 students, these features are of no use.  As a result, next year, I am planning on investing in a teacher planner geared toward music teachers.  In particular, I have had my eye on The Yellow Brick Road's Editable Music Teacher Planner

This planner features a data tracking section, binder spine inserts, blank forms and checklists, calendars, class lists, contacts, desktop organizers, notes and lists, planners and schedules, resource forms and checklist, seating charts and class jobs, sub binder, and tutorials.  It is also editable and easily customizable. It is specifically designed with music teachers in mind. My favorite feature is that it has a section for you to place sticky notes.  I have sticky notes all over my desk.  This planner allows you to place the note in your planner and move your tasks from week to week.  I think this will be a great tool in organizing and planning my classroom in the future. 

Thank you for stopping by my blog in the Back-to-School Music Blog Hop.  I hope you learned some tips and strategies for classroom organization! Now on to the next stop.  Click on the picture below to visit Tracy King at Mrs. King Rocks where she will be giving tips on creating classroom resources yourself! 

Enjoy the rest of the hop!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tutorial: How to Print Life-Size Clipart at Home

While brainstorming on classroom decorations, I wanted something large, bold, and eye-catching!  I wanted a showstopper that wasn't overwhelming! After discovering the adorable Melonheadz Musical Kidlettes, I knew I wanted to put these kidlettes on my classroom walls. Here is my first kidlette I made at home! I later made 5 more :) I may have started a slight obsession in printing life-size clipart!

In the past, if I wanted a poster-size image printed, I just took it to our local print shop.  It would cost around $15 for the image.  I really didn't want to take the trip to the print shop with a baby on my hip this summer.  So instead, I started to research websites for printing poster size images.  I then discovered It. is. AMAZING! 

Here is how it works! 

1.  Find clipart or image you would like to print poster-size!  One tip: the image can not be a PNG.  Therefore, if your clipart is a PNG file, you must convert to a JPEG.  I simply convert to a JPEG through my Preview program on the Mac.  I open the PNG file and then export to a JPEG.  I am not familiar with out to do the conversion on a PC, but I am sure there is a simple way. 

2. Visit

3.  Click "Get Started." 

4.  Then click, "Upload your image."  Select the image or clipart you wish to print. 

5. It will then place your image on the left side of the page with a grid over top the image. On the right side of the page you can customize your poster. Select the page width you wish to print. NOTE:  In the gray box underneath, it says the approximate dimensions of each page width.  This will be how large your actual image is going to print.  

6. Check the Terms of Use and select "Create my Poster." It will then create a download of your file. 

7.  Open the downloaded poster and print. 

8.  Once the image is printed, I laminated each sheet, then cut it out.  You may choose to cut first and then laminate.  You may also choose to cut, tape, and then laminate.  I actually laminated mine twice: I first laminated each page and then I used the school laminator to laminate the entire poster.  It all depends on the size of the image you are wishing to print/laminate. 

9. Tape pages together to create life-size poster. TIP:  Leave a small edge on some edges of the pages to make taping easier.  Laminate the entire poster to make it last longer and add durability. 

10. Hang your life-size poster and bring your room to life! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I hope you find some amazing ways to make life-size images with this tutorial! 

Classroom Reveal 2016

Wow! I can't believe I am already back in school. What an amazing, but fast, summer it has been?!  Now that the 2016-2017 school year is upon us, I have some exciting news to share.  This school year, I am teaching at a new school, in a completely new city!  Even though it was bittersweet, I left my job at four elementary schools, and I have accepted a job for ONE elementary school.  Yes, I have ONE room to get ready this year.  I get to drive to the same place EVERY day, and I get to see my same students EVERY week! I couldn't be more excited. And another great thing about my new job?!  I am just teaching kindergarten through 2nd grade. Ekk! I am silently squealing inside!

With a new school, comes a new classroom! I was so excited and eager to get started on making my classroom home! My new room features storage, storage, and more storage.  It makes this teacher heart so happy.  My abundance of storage features wall to wall cabinets and a large storage closet for program props and supplies.  

As I greeted my new students into my classroom this week, a kindergartener said, "This place is magical!"  I have to agree.  Welcome to my magical music room! 

As I entered my new music room for the first time, I was greeted with the 10' 9'' X 13' 1" Noteworthy Rug.  I had requested it after I was hired, and I was thoroughly shocked when I saw that package in my room!  Ekk! It is such a life saver for kindergarten classroom management.  Also, since I am in a Primary School and the students are small enough to fit on the rug, I decided to get rid of all my chairs so I had space for movement.  All of my students can nicely fit on the rug in their very own square! 

Over the summer, I purchased a Silhouette Cameo.  I used it to cut out the words, "Sing, Say, Dance, Play." I also cut out the same phrase in white vinyl and stuck it over my door!  

In the front of my room, I used my crate seats for storing masks, movement props, scarves, and puppets.  With these items in the front of the room, I can conveniently find them, and they just add come cuteness!  They also serve as seating.  My class rules are posted above the crates.  They are posted at the perfect level for my primary kiddos to easily see. 

With having 24 classes of primary grades, I wanted to create a system that was quick and easy for students lining up.  After searching Pinterest, I decided to add these numbers to my tiled section of my floor.  I made the numbers, printed them, laminated them, and then I used contact paper to stick to the floor.  There is the perfect amount of space between each student to stand without touching each other.  Now that we are entering the second week of school, my students already have their number memorized.  I can just say go to your number, and they know exactly where to go! 

This year I decided to slightly change my classroom management system. This year I added letters on my board that spell "Music."  Each time a rule is broken, I take a letter away.  If a class has all of their letters on the board by the end of class, I move their class clothespin up two keys on the Piano Rewards board.  If one letter is taken away, they get to move up one piano key.  If more than two letters are taken away, they do not get to move.  Once their class clothespin is on the Piano Rewards board, they compete against the other classes to reach the end of the piano first.  If they are first, their class gets a prize!

Below is a picture of the Piano Rewards board.  I used command hooks to attach the cute buckets on to the bulletin board. 

The "I Can" bulletin, posted above, features three laminated sheets.  I use a dry erase marker and write each "I Can" statement on them for the week. 

Here is my Word Wall bulletin.  I color coordinated each card for a specific grade level.  My favorite part of this bulletin is the organization of the word wall cards. 

I hole punched each card and attached them in alphabetical order with a binder clip.  I then used a command hook to attach them to the side of the board. 

One of my favorite classroom features are my life-size Melonheadz Music Kids! I discovered this amazing website called "Block Posters."  It takes any image and tiles it into regular sheets of paper.  Then you print, cut, and tape together. It is so easy, and it is FREE! Check out a full tutorial here

My Grungy Edition Alphabet Banner is hung above the kids.  We are also required to have two phrases posted in our room: "Do the right thing," and "Treat people right."  Those two quotes are on each side of the kids. 

On my board, I posted my new Curvy Solfege Signs.  I attached each one with binder rings and added a ribbon on top.  I just LOVE how they turned out! 

This year I created a pencil station for my primary kiddos.  There are five quick reminders posted above the Sharp and Dull buckets! 

This year I also labeled EVERYTHING! And when I say EVERYTHING, I really mean it.  Every drawer, every basket....I forgot to take picture of the inside of my cabinets, but I am telling you, everything is labeled! 

Here are my color-coordinated art caddies.  Since they are so cute, I have left them on top of my counter.  Even the scissors match the caddies! 

Last year, I had my Boomwhackers attached to the wall with velcro.  Since my walls were freshly painted at my new school, I didn't feel comfortable sticking up 10 feet of velcro.  This year I decided to use these labeled buckets that I found at Dollar Tree.  I wish they were going low to high, but I have to have the biggest Boomwhacker set up in the corner for stability. 

I hope you enjoyed my classroom tour. I have already had a fantastic start to the year in my new school, and I hope you do too! Thank you for visiting my magical place!